在AU-01「青花羅曼史(The Romance of Blue & White)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中,user將置身浩瀚時空之旅,見證青花從融合歐亞多元種族文化的蒙古帝國的誕生、以及經由大航海時代引發全球創新熱潮的重大歷史時刻,體驗藝術史上第一件全球化器物的不朽傳奇。
In The Romance of Blue & White, user will be in the vast space-time journey, witnessing the birth of the blue & white from the fusion of cultures in the Mongolian Eurasian empire, and the great moment of global innovation aroused through the Age of Exploration; experiencing the monumental legend of the first globalized artifact in the art history.
草原民族野蠻無文的刻板印象,將在AU-02「草原文明:金與銀之歌(The Song of Gold & Silver)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中完全顛覆。User化身草原一族,置身廣大無垠的大自然,將淵遠流長的神話元素與萃取自與自然世界搏鬥的生命經驗,創作出精美絕倫的裝飾品與生活用器,讓世人看見草原民族藝術兼具豪放大器與精細工藝的文明面向。
The stereotype of the savage and uncivilized people of the steppe will be completely subverted in the The Song of Gold & Silver. User will become a member of grassland clan, in the vast and wild nature, combining the long-standing elements of mythology with the experience of life extracted from the struggle with the natural world, creating exquisite decoration items and living utensils; letting the world see the civilized aspect of grassland art with both grandeur and fine craftsmanship.

在AU-03「文明之光(The Light of Civilization)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中,user將化身愛與美之女神哈瑟(Hathor)的使者,協助女法老哈特謝普蘇特(Hatshepsut)獲得來自宇宙平行時空的創意源,創新文明,見證哈特謝普蘇特女王神殿(Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut)的雄偉。
In The Light of Civilization, user will be the messenger of the goddess of love and beauty, Hathor, assisting the female pharaoh, Hatshepsut, to obtain the creative source from the parallel universe, innovating civilization, witnessing the magnificence of the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut.
長達千年的中世紀時代,始終是歐美電影創作的最愛。在AU-04「獨角獸傳奇(The Time of Faith and Unicorn)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中,user將跨越時空,分別化身歐洲之父查理曼大帝(Charlemagne, 747-814)聖騎士團(Paladin)與勃艮地公爵好人菲利普(Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 1396-1467)金羊毛騎士團(The Order of the Golden Fleece)成員,見證騎士團光榮事蹟,並透過對獨角獸的追尋,到達絕美曼妙的夢幻花園。
The millennium-long medieval era has always been the favorite of film creation. In The Time of Faith and Unicorn, user will cross time and space, respectively become the member of Paladins, knights of Charlemagne (Charles the Great, 747-814), and a knight of the Golden Fleece in the court of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1396-1467), witnessing the glorious deeds of cavalier, further through the pursuit of unicorns, reaching the beautiful and graceful dream garden.

在AU-05「武士道(The World of SAMURAI)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中,究極的精緻藝術品展現在日本武士的武道與藝道生活中,user透過藝術品觀賞日本四季風景幻化,感悟武士精神的力與美。
In The World of SAMURAI, the ultimate fine art is displayed in the martial arts and path of art for Japanese samurai. Through the artwork, users are going to see the transformation of the Japanese landscape through the seasons, meditating the power and beauty of the samurai spirit.
藝術本身富有生命力,一旦形成,將自行發展變化。在AU-06「爵床葉紋的故事(The Story of Acanthus)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中,user將置身古埃及與古希臘的藝術創作團隊,見證蓮花紋樣在古埃及荷花池畔的誕生,埃及蓮花紋樣隨著水路交通流傳至古希臘,希臘藝術家結合躍動的海洋自然風貌,將流暢的曲線元素注入蓮花紋,優美的爵床葉紋(acanthus)於焉誕生,成為流傳數千年的經典建築紋飾。
In The Story of Acanthus, user will be in the artistic creation team of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece to see the birth of the lotus pattern by the lotus pond in ancient Egypt; the Egyptian lotus pattern was transmitted to ancient Greece by waterways, the Greek artist applied the dynamic nature of the sea, and infused the lotus pattern with smooth curves. The elegant acanthus pattern was born, and has become a classic architectural decoration that has been passed down for thousands of years.

在AU-07「馬賽克之秘(The Mysterious Mosaic)」VR情境式動畫遊戲帶領user進入馬賽克的魔法空間,一路穿越從希臘化時期、羅馬時代、到拜占庭帝國的交錯時空,呈現在多重雄偉建築中馬賽克藝術的奇妙變化。
The Mysterious Mosaic leads the user into the magical space of mosaic, all the way through the interlaced time and space from the Hellenistic period, the Roman era, to the Byzantine Empire, presenting the wonderful changes of mosaic art in multiple majestic buildings.
在AU-08「荷蘭黃金時代(The Netherlands Golden Age)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中,user化身荷蘭東印度公司(VOC)船隊隊長,探索17世紀歐洲最大貿易城市—阿姆斯特丹港口、荷蘭東印度公司總部、市政廣場、股票交易所、貨品秤重所、運河市集、教堂、民兵廳、藝術家工作室、慈善院等繁忙都會日常,以及自家充滿藝術氣息並井然有序的生活景象,體驗荷蘭共和國公民從事國際貿易的榮耀,以及重視藝術與生活、都會與自然、世俗與精神的平衡智慧。
In The Netherlands Golden Age, user takes on the role of the captain of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) fleet and explores the 17th century port of Amsterdam, the foremost center for trade in Europe, including the headquarters of the Dutch East India Company, the Dam square, the stock exchange, the weigh-house, the vegetable market near the canal, the church, the civic guard hall, the artist's studio, the charity institution and other busy urban routines, as well as the artistic and orderly life scene at home; experiencing the honor of being a citizen of the Dutch Republic engaged in international trade, and the wisdom of balancing art and life, urban and natural, worldly and spiritual.

在AU-09「法國鎏金藝術(The Glory of France)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中,user歷經法王路易十四(Louis XIV, 1638-1715)時期巴洛克(Baroque)藝術榮光,路易十五(Louis XV, 1710-1774)洛可可(Rococo)藝術甜美奢華、如夢似幻的貴族生活,以及拿破崙(Napoleon, 1769-1821)帝政風格(Empire Style)藝術所展現的帝國榮耀,觀看鎏金藝術以不同面貌呈現在三個光榮時代。
In The Glory of France, user is going to experience the splendid court life decorated with Baroque art under Louis XIV (1638-1715), the luxurious and dreamlike aristocratic activity reflected by Rococo art under Louis XV (1710-1774), and the imperial glory of Empire Style art under Napoleon (1769-1821) ; viewing the gilt art in different forms in three glorious eras.
在AU-10「文人美學(The Aesthetics of Literati)」VR情境式動畫遊戲中,深具能量的水晶體時空任意門將引領user選擇進入仙境、田野、與山林,與文人一起暢遊體驗與自然合一的生活藝術、以及無為而致的自由心境與最高境界。
In The Aesthetics of Literati, the energetic crystal space-time portal will lead users to choose to enter the mythical hills, the fields, and the mountains and forests, traveling with the literati to experience the art of living in harmony with nature, as well as the free state of mind and the highest realm of inaction.